KKDHS Sites Credit

KKDHS 50's FRIENDS, KKDHS CLASS PHOTOS AND KKDHS 50'S SPORTS Webjam websites created by and © Norman G. Drew, 2008

These 'fan' websites were created for the nostalgic enjoyment of former KKDHS students and their families.It is not associated in any way with any Kenora school nor is it responsible for any KKDHS administrative, educational responsibilities or obligations past or present.


Forgotten Your User Name/Password?

If you forgot your USER NAME, send us an email at this email address. and we will send you your user name, To RE-SET your password, at the bottom of the sign-in box, click on the small text line ‘Forgotten your password?. It’s an active link to the password reset module. It will open a window where you can change your password.



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