Innovation 3D


About us

Board :

Eunika Mercier-Laurent Fondatrice et Présidente, Directeur Stratégique Global Innovation Strategies

Danielle Boulanger Secretaire Général, Responsable Conférences Scientifiques

Christian Mercier-Laurent Tresorier

Tatiana Reyes Carillo Responsable Eco conception

Celso Flores Responsable Amérique Latine

Edouard Priem Responsable du programme L&C

Stefan du Chateau TIC & Patrimoine historique



My profile

About me:
Eunika Mercier-Laurent is President of Innovation3D, Founder and President of EML Conseil for Knowledge and Innovation Management since 1994, co-founder of Euromediterranean University for Innovation, Marseille, France, Associate Researcher with Institut d’Administration d’Entreprises, University Jean Moulin, Lyon and teacher of "knowledge approach" and global innovation in engineering schools and universities. She is one of 100 world experts in Global Knowledge Innovation

She's previous positions includes: research in computer architecture INRIA, Rocquencourt, computer designer, artificial intelligence methods and tools manager, Innovative Applications International Manager CEDIAG Groupe Bull. She was also involved in high tech marketing and in the European Projects.
Her specialties include: global knowledge and innovation management, architecture of knowledge flow, experience management, complex problem solving, knowledge processing and discovery, competency management.
She holds degrees from Polytechnika Warszawska (electronic engineer) and PhD in Computer Science from Paris 7 University and HDR from University Jean Moulin Lyon.
She's author of over 50 publications, member of Institut Fredrik Rosing Bull, multidisciplinary group on influence working of new technologies on ethics, decision in complex environment, medicine, brains and machines. Board of AFIA- French Association for Artificial Intelligence, Transinova, ANR and Oseo expert, she is listed in Marquis’ Who’s Who in Engineering.



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