

Creatively enhancing products and services using innovation and collaboration.


 WhymanDesign » Competitions is Dead, Long Live Collaboration

 0 Comments- Add comment | Back to WhymanDesign's Profile Written on 17-Dec-2010 by WhymanDesign


As the world is linked up the age old proven selfless collaboration techniques are proven to be more beneficial than then now out of date selfish competition techniques because reputation is in the hands of the social media populous (which is great for everyone so do not be scared:)

Selfishness people could only get away with it if they did not get caught (competitors, conman, robbers, thief's, rapists, murderers... all have the same selfish motivation of beating others so they can get what they want).

The internet enables us all to...

A. Reward and share average, good and great work (Carrot)
B. (compassionately educate) Punish and ignore bad or worse behaviors just like the way you treat an immature child so they learn to play nicely (stick).

This is an AMAZINGLY exciting CULTURAL change that is already happening that we are all part of and can help enforce by..

A. Reporting a problem using open social tools such as Twitter & Facebook...
B. Suggest a solution when reporting the problem
C. And highlight people who are doing great work in any field

What are you doing already and how can I help you? What would you like to do? Tweet to @whymandesign and Ill creatively help enhance what your doing.

New ways of thinking as a global community of people wanting to be happy together.
(relearning the local community of friends, cultural mentality in an interlinked global community of friends of friends).

Now the World Wide Web has linked up the world using the Power of the Internet we can and should all think differently about how we interact for several reasons (actually rediscovering what humans/animals have done for 000,000's of years before the industrial revolution created cities)!!!

You can help more people by GIVING away what you make so that the 000,000,000's of people on this planet can use them (imagine how stupid it would be to keep something closed so that only 1 person could use it). This applies to everything (money, property, resources, ideas, data...). This selfless generosity has a knock on effect as it enables us all to continue reminding and teaching each other how great life CAN and IS when we help each other creating a spiral of

Charitably help anyone we see in difficulty be it anything from recording the problem on facebook/twitter to actively going out to help them (be it a homeless person or someone stuck in an office job for life).

Mobile phones are reinventing how we think again in the next wave of creative innovation.
Now we can interact with anyone in any way (video/voice/text/image...) ANYWHERE in the world.

This means that everyone can help everyone everywhere all the time! What are the most important things that need to be solved first? Education through entertainment? How about using existing free educational resources and share them for all free? http://www.WEBiversity.org

The Rules have changed...

The Collaboration Culture inherently encourages (through peer review so it is up to us all to HELP each other play as nicely as possible:)...

What fundamental or key areas are/not part of the Collaboration Culture that need to be included?
Democracy (or a better way of getting the 'greatest happiness for the greatest number' [or for EVERYONE])
Digital Equality

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