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 WhymanDesign » How to enhance ANY organisation or startup so you become more successfull for FREE

 0 Comments- Add comment | Back to WhymanDesign's Profile Written on 17-Dec-2010 by WhymanDesign

How to enhance ANY organisation or startup so you become more successfull for FREE &...

A. Help everyone collaborate together on charity work,
B. Save lives by donating NET profit (after R&D costs),
C. Gain lots of new customers & suppliers & volunteers who want to help,
D. Gain more goodwill so you get a cumulative mass enhancing your organisations success
E. get personally richer through performance pay by giving away ownership of the organization/company to the world!

http://www.Traidmark.org FREE Business Structure EVERYONE can use = YOUR WORK + 100% Net Profit Philanthropy (spent on INNOVATIVE NOT FOR PROFIT WORK to help/save lives)

It sounds impossible but has been proven to work by cooperatives for ooo's of years...

http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains the full benefits where you agree to pledge to donate surplus funds you generate into NEW INNOVATIVE charitable work which attracts customers so you gain more success and get rich with performance pay WHILE saving lives by donating funds raised to NEW INNOVATIVE charitable work (that you can create if you want to).
The more you give the more you get. http://www.TRAIDmark.org

You could say that the TRAIDmark.org business structure is halfway between a Charity and a Company where you get the BEST OF BOTH WORLDS with caring compassion for everyone AND the Innovation that enables you to help everyone efficiently.

Investors can invest in startups and gain by being paid performance pay as a member of the team without owning the startup. This means that they can donate funds into new startups (which can save them funds in tax too!) and get paid performance pay for their work enhancing it. This means that the startup will forever be run in the best interest of the customer AND can fund innovations that benefit everyone.

Anyone can set up their own enterprise at almost now cost using the web as a bootstrapped startup so can use this free business structure to help then succeed while also charitably helping others.

Customers & Employees can demand that this happens to any company organisation or government department as it is in the best interests for everyone. The best way to do this is to contact the owner / Board members directly by contacting them on the phone/twitter.


Any organisation or company that closes down can be saved by doing this. Either the assets can be taken away to pay off debts and the rest of the organisation can be donated to a charity OR the whole organisation can be turned into a Not For Profit Charity (which has positive tax savings). This will instantly SAVE JOBS in the organisation and give it a goodwill boost that will enable it to be saved from bankruptcy (like a phoenix).

Cooperatives have been successfully growing fro many years such as http://www.co-operativebank.co.uk & http://www.co-operative.coop & they can be enhanced by using the TRAIDmark.org model to spend the funds they generate on Innovative new charitable work.

Here are a few organisations already doing this (many donate 1-50% but that is often just a token gesture where as 100% helps save/improve many more lives:)...


Bodies that can benefit...

Organisations that can benefit...

Philanthropists that can benefit...

If you know anyone at any of these organisations please do tweet them this article in order to help enhance their work to help the most people.

Tweet @TRAIDmark for more details.

If you would like creative, Innovation & Social Media enhancements for any organisation contact http://www.WHYmandesign.com as we would love to help you help others even more.

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