

Creatively enhancing products and services using innovation and collaboration.


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Viewing Posts matching 'creative'

Creatively Innovating to help everyone? Want to help?

 0 Comments- Add comment Written on 17-Dec-2010 by WhymanDesign

Can we help you enhance what your doing? Yes we can! would you like some help or a free experience that helps you enjoy life more and have more success?

How can we work with you to help everyone help everyone (And enjoy every second of life by reminding ourselves to relaxing and enjoy every moment of life by observing how beautiful every thing/emotion is).

What are you working on and what help do you need? Please tweet to @whymandesign

If your doing what you do in order to help others (and not just to get rich:) keep on doing it and collaborate with as many open minded people as possible.


May I help you? Would you like to help me?

I can help by adding value by creatively inventing, modifying or improving any/everything using Social / UX / UI / Design so 2+ problems can be solved with one solution.


Would you like to work with open minded people to create simple (innovative & Creative) solutions that can help as many people as possible and run as Charitable or Not For Profit organisations. e.g. organize free education for all using Drupal? Prototype at http://www.WEBiversity.org using the http://www.TRAIDmark.org FREE Business structure/model that anyone can use (Philanthropy COOP model:)



Help anyone make themselves happy instantly by reading the FREE BOOK and watching the video's at http://www.WEBiversity.org What is the best way that you help others?

We are looking for programmers to help everyone help everyone using innovative re-uses of open source software to do this. If interested contact @whymandesign

Do help create free entertaining education for all with http://www.WEBiversity.org http://www.TRUSTlibrary.org


http://www.TRAIDmark.org explains how anyone can enhance what they are doing for FREE by making themselves feel great by using surplus funds to donate to innovative charitable work. Do take the time to read and watch all the video's as it is proven by cooperatives that you can enhance your success AND innovate so  you can help 000's of others, enjoy your work more and save lives!

The question is do I/you want to (make yourself happy by) helping other people by providing the best service (so 000's of other people can have better lives)? Or do you just want to make your own lonesome self rich by providing a worse service to others so 000's of others lives are less good?

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Big Long tail of innovation

 0 Comments- Add comment Written on 15-Aug-2009 by WhymanDesign

How can we modify structures to maximise the long tail of innovation. How could it best be facilitated so everyone can contribute without comments being lots in the depths of the web? It seams that there is SO much potential for government and the public to achieve using new media. The key appears to be how to communicate this potential and empower everyone to take that step down the rabbit hole of independent innovation and collaboration at everyones own grass roots (though this has been done outside of new tech since just after the beginning of time:).

Is there a way to reward individuals to take risks by trying new things and fail/succeed? The dot com approach of rewarding successful innovation by buying it out appears to work for successful innovation. How best to reward innovators that try things that fail is unclear. It may be best to enable lots of innovators to innovate without rewarding success so that peer review enables success to be rewarded socially while larger volumes or innovation can be facilitated by funding lots of people with smaller amounts. The http://www.Traidmark.org business structure aims to illustrate how this can be done by funding innovators to create products within a not for profit that then invests any surplus funds in other innovators who are working on different products/services. This enables commerce and government to interact with the public while safely funding innovation that fails and succeeds with interesting outcomes that exceed expectations. More details are on the http://www.whymandesign.com Innovation research blog.
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Looking to work with others on a Not For Profit Social Enterprise. Are you interested?

 0 Comments- Add comment Written on 20-Jun-2009 by WhymanDesign
Would you like to create a social enterprise startup? Or do you know of someone working on one already? If so send me their details so we can collaborate to improve society using creative thinking.

Examples range from...
http://www.MUSTart.org to http://www.FREEtraid.org and http://www.Progreso.org.uk

It would also be very interesting to add value to any existing social enterprise or not for profit by creatively enhancing them in ways such as this...

Traidmark.org = Not For Profit + Social Enterprise Innovation germinater
Traidmark.org enables you to gain from hard work while funding innovation from within a Not For Profit organisation.
(The NFP invests Net profit in NEW Innovative NFP Startups so is forced to continually evolve because of this structure which creating even better serves). This adds significant customer loyalty and enables hard work to be rewarded through pay while investing in innovative solutions to social problems. We want to work with others on innovation that solves social problems within this business model.
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